It is the design intent for floor terminal rooms to provide convenient space and access for extension of campus backbone communications utilities (telephone, data, CATV, alarm and monitoring) to the floor level. The rooms, or closets, will support termination and access of these utilities and access and hardware required to support internal building, departmental and unit communications requirements. Interior building communications wiring assumes a distributed system of horizontal and vertical risers to wiring closets on each floor. No workstation outlet should be longer than 300' in cable distance from the closets wiring closet (sub-terminal). The number and location of floor sub-terminals shall be subject to this distance limit.
- The floor terminal (sub-terminal) rooms should be separate from, and independent of, electrical rooms.
- If double doors are used, there shall be no center post or support.
- A minimum of two (2) 20-amp dedicated electrical circuits terminated on double duplex receptacles shall be provided. This power shall be supported by building emergency power if available.
- A ground bus bar, directly and solely attached to main terminal grounding bar, shall be provided.
- The ground bus bar shall be linked in common to all other terminal and sub-terminals in the building.
- Floor terminal rooms shall be a minimum twenty-four square feet (24 sq. ft. ) by eight feet in height ( 8.0'H).
- At least two walls shall be covered with fire-rated three-quarter-inch-thick by four-foot-wide by eight-foot-tall (0.75"Tx4.0'Wx8.0'H) wallboard.
- Work lights shall be provided as fluorescent fixtures parallel to each wall. The work lights shall provide a minimum of fifty (50) foot-candles at three feet (3.0') from the floor and be independently switched.
- A building floor terminal may be constructed as a double door closet if there is a minimum three-foot (3.0') inside depth and unrestricted access in front of the double doors for at least four feet (4.0').
- All riser conduits from floors above and below, all distribution conduits or cable trays to other floor terminals, all cable trays and all homerun conduits shall terminate in these rooms.
- All rooms to be served by a floor terminal room should be no more than two hundred and fifty feet (250.0') of cable distance. A second floor terminal may be required to split the workstation cable terminations if the distance exceeds two hundred and fifty feet (250.0') for more than 20% of the workstations.
(Note: The TIA/EIA standard allows 330 feet for workstation cabling from outlet to the wiring terminal. UCSB adopts a conservative application of the standard to allow for the wide variety of hardware interfaces, jumpers, and “redistributions" within the user environment.
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