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Account Summary Management Tool

Communications Services recently updated the monthly account usage statements that are sent to departments. For details on the new statement, please see our New Account Usage Report (pdf).

We realize that different departments have differing requirements for their usage statements. So as part of this redesign we also incorporated the ability for departments to tailor the level of detail printed, how the statements are separated, and the destination to which they are distributed.

A new Web application that allows departments to make these changes is now available online: Account Summary Management.

To use this application you will need your UCSBNetID, and you must be defined as a "Contact" in BORIS. If you manage multiple department codes, you will also need to enter the selected account on the login screen. These are the same requirements as for our other Web service management applications.

This new application allows you to tailor the printing options and routing for each individual account assigned to a department. You can:

  1. Change the level of detail printed for each account. The options for printing are:
    1. No Statement for the account. No statement is sent, but you may still retrieve the information from our web site.
    2. Summary Pages Only. This provides the Account Summary and Subscriber Summary reports for the account, but not the Subscriber Detail report, which includes charge and call detail for each subscriber.
    3. Summary and Detail. This provides the Summary reports and the Subscriber Detail without having a new page started for each subscriber (this offers the same full information you receive today, with a lot less paper usage and storage space).
    4. Summary and Split Detail. This provides the Summary reports and the Subscriber Detail report with the detail section for each subscriber starting on a new page (this is the current default format).
  2. Change the Mail Code to which an account statement is delivered.
  3. Add "Routing" information, such as your name, instead of "Departmental MSO – Dept: ABCD." If you select different routing information, those statements will arrive in a separate package.

We hope you find this application very easy to use. You do not need to take any action to keep the current format and routing. But we encourage you to take advantage of some of the options to reduce the amount of paper used to print statements.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at help@commserv.ucsb.edu, or call x8700.




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