We are happy to announce that beginning on February 4th, Communications Services will begin offering all services from the unified Information Technology Services portal: http://ithelp.ucsb.edu/
We encourage you to utilize this new resource whenever you want to request new services, support existing services, or to report any problem or outage you are experiencing. Using the portal will improve our ability to accurately and quickly respond to your needs and communicate our activities.
Some examples of services you might receive using the new IT Services portal include:
Request new telephone service
Move an existing service from one location to another
Change your voicemail package
Install a network drop
Order Cable TV
Report a problem with a radio
Request a cellular upgrade
If you have any questions about this, we are here to assist you by calling ext 8700 or emailing help@commserv.ucsb.edu.
Cellular service requests and questions are best directed to Tammy Marquez at ext 5718 or tmarquez@ucsb.edu.
For additional information on using the IT Services portal, you may also visit http://training.ets.ucsb.edu/ where you will find videos and instructor led training sessions covering the usage of the portal, how to submit requests, or notify us of any issues or outages that are occurring.