Starting in October 2005, Communications Services will discontinue mailing a printed summary of charges to our customers. Instead, we will send each customer a billing notification, by email, which will list the total amount due for the month. Complete billing detail will continue to be available on our Billing, Order, and Repair Information System (BORIS) web portal, where you can log in using your UCSBnetID and password, or your perm number and PIN.
In August and September, in addition to sending you our usual printed summary, we will begin testing the new billing notification system by sending the notification to the email address we were provided when your service was started. The email address on file is typically your campus umail address, although you should keep in mind that you may have forwarded this address to another address through the umail system. You can verify and update the email address Communications Services uses for you by logging into the BORIS system and using the "my account/Personal Data" tab once you are logged in. Changes made to your email address in the BORIS system will affect only emails sent from Communications Services.
If you have questions, send email to