If you live in UCSB's Residence Halls, El Dorado Apartments or Westgate Apartments, or in the
Santa Ynez 100 and 200 series apartments, you don't have to do anything to wrap up your services. On June 16, we'll turn off all UCSB television and telephone services and stop billing for them. You will get a final charge on your July BARC statement for 16 days' service in June.
We will be cancelling all services in the Santa Ynez 300 and 400 series apartments on July 1 unless notified otherwise. If you are moving an existing telephone service, please email us at reshelp@commserv.ucsb.edu and let us know. The note must contain your name and perm number, the current and new locations, and the requested effective date. Please allow 2 weekdays for the move.
Please note that if you have a Cox digital converter box or DVR as part of any services you ordered directly from Cox Communications, you will need to return it to Cox Communications' service center at the following address. (Note that their Fairview Service Center is no longer open.)
Cox Communications
Loreto Plaza
3303 State Street (Corner of State and Las Positas)
M-F 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
You can cancel or add service at any time by using our online Order, Change, or Cancel Service system. Or if you prefer, you can print out the Service Deactivation Request form (pdf) and mail it to the address listed on the form, or bring it to our office at the rear of the Public Safety Building, Room 1030C. We do not take deactivation requests over the phone.
You may use our BORIS system to find your Account Summary and settle with your roommates before leaving.
Questions? Please call us during business hours (8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday) at 893-8700, or send email to reshelp@commserv.ucsb.edu.